Free DIY's

 click HERE to get the FREE pattern for these balls


Bird Mobile 
Click HERE to get the FREE PDF pattern


 Baby Sherlock Hat
  click HERE for this hat pattern

 click here for free pattern: Jack Russell


Shown in size X-Small/Small.

Directions are for women’s size X-Small/Small.  Changes for size Medium/Large are in parentheses.


Bust – 30(34).
Length – 13 1/2” (Including bottom band).
Note:  Even though the actual bust measurement given seems small, due to the dolman sleeves and the open front, the fit of this garment is very forgiving.


 (50 grs), 3(4) hanks each COLOR (A) and COLOR (B) and 2(3) hanks each COLOR (C) and COLOR (D).
Crochet hook, size 4.50 mm (G) OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE.


1 Pat St repeat = 4”;  6 rows = 4” in crocheted pattern with A, B, C or D using size 4.50 mm (G) crochet hook.
1 St holder or safety pin.


This garment is made all in one piece with the lower band added during finishing.  It is worked sideways from left cuff to right cuff.

* Working in crocheted pat, work 3 rows A, 3 rows B, 3 rows C, 3 rows D, rep from * for stripe sequence. 

With crochet hook, using A, ch 160.
Row 1:  Dc in 4th ch from hook, * skip 2 ch’s, work (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next ch, ch 1, skip 2 ch’s, dc in next ch, ch 1, skip 2 ch’s, work (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next ch, skip 2 ch’s, work [(dc, ch 1) 3 times, dc] all in next ch, skip 2 ch’s, work (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next ch, ch 1, skip 2 ch’s, dc in next ch, ch 1, skip 2 ch’s, work (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next ch, skip 2 ch’s, yo and pull up a loop in next ch, yo and pull through 2 loops on hook, skip 2 ch’s, yo and pull up a loop in next ch, yo and pull through 2 loops on hook, yo and pull through all loops on hook, rep from * 4 times more, skip 2 ch’s, work (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next ch, ch 1, skip 2 ch’s, dc in next ch, ch 1, skip 2 ch’s, work (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next ch, skip 2 ch’s, work [(dc, ch 1) 3 times, dc] all in next ch, skip 2 ch’s, work (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next ch, ch 1, skip 2 ch’s, dc in next ch, ch 1, [skip 2 ch’s, work (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next ch] twice.  Turn.
Row 2:  Ch 3, yo and pull up a loop in ch-1 space, yo and pull through 2 loops on hook, yo and pull up a loop in next ch-1 space, yo and pull through 2 loops on hook, yo and pull through all loops on hook, * skip next dc and ch-1 space, work (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next dc, ch 1, skip next ch-1 space and dc, dc in next ch-1 space, ch 1, work (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next ch-1 space, work [(dc, ch 1) 3 times, dc] all in next ch-1 space, work (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next ch-1 space, ch 1, dc in next ch-1 space, ch 1, skip 1 dc and 1 ch-1 space, work (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next dc, skip next ch-1 space, yo and pull up a loop in next ch-1 space, yo and pull through 2 loops on hook, yo and pull up a loop in next ch-1 space, yo and pull through 2 loops on hook, yo and pull through all loops on hook, rep from * 4 times more, skip 1 dc and 1 ch-1 space, work (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next dc, ch 1, skip next ch-1 space and dc, dc in next ch-1 space, ch 1, work [(dc, ch 1), twice, dc] all in next ch-1 space, work [(dc, ch 1) 3 times, dc] all in next ch-1 space, work (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next ch-1 space, ch 1, dc in next ch-1 space, ch 1, skip 1 dc and 1 ch-1 space, work (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next dc, skip next ch-1 space, yo and pull up a loop in next ch-1 space, yo and pull through 2 loops on hook, yo and pull up a loop in top of ch-1, yo and pull through 2 loops on hook, yo and pull through all loops on hook.  Turn.  Rep Row 2, following stripe sequence until piece measures approximately 16” from beg and eight 3-row stripes have been completed.
Shape Neck:  Next Row (RS):  Rep Row 2, repeating from * once instead of 4 times.  Turn.  (Only half of row will have been worked.)  Work even on the first half of row for approximately 4(6)” or until two(three) more 3-row stripes have been completed.  Sl last st on hook onto a holder.  With crochet hook, join next color in stripe sequence to beg of last row worked and ch 78.  Fasten off.
Next Row (RS):  Sl st from holder back onto crochet hook, join next color in stripe sequence and rep Row 2 across first half of row, then rep Row 1 across ch.  Turn.  Rep Row 2 across all sts, following stripe sequence until piece measures approximately 16” from end of neck or until eight more 3-row stripes have been completed.  Fasten off.


Steam piece with hot steam iron and a pressing cloth.  Measure in 10 1/2” from starting ch and mark beg and end of row (see schematic).  Measure in 10 1/2” from last row worked and mark beg and end of row.  Fold piece in half lengthwise.  Sew fronts to back up to markers.

Waistband/Tie:  With crochet hook, using D, ch 21.
Row 1:  Sc in 9th ch from hook, (ch 5, skip 5 ch’s, sc in next ch) twice.  Turn.
Row 2:  Ch 7, skip 2 ch’s, sc in next ch, (skip 2 ch’s, 1 sc and 2 ch’s, sc in next ch) twice.  Turn.  Rep Row 2 until band measures 50(54)” from beg.  Fasten off.  Sew one long edge of waistband to lower edge of shrug leaving ends free at front for ties.
Fringe:  Cut one 6” long strand each of A, B, C and D.  Put strands tog and fold in half.  With crochet hook, draw center of strands through first space at end of tie forming a loop.  Pull ends of fringe through this loop.  In this manner, make 3 fringes in spaces along end of each tie.  Trim fringe to even off if necessary.
For speedier cutting, wrap yarn multiple times around a piece of cardboard that is the desired length of fringe.  Cut lower edge to free wrapped strands.



Approximately 10 1/2” wide across largest layer x 12” high


3 Hanks (100 grs), White (MC) and 1 hank each (A),  (B),  (C), (D) (E)
Crochet hooks, sizes 3.50 mm (E) and 4.50 mm (G)
Tapestry needle
Safety pin for marker
Sheet of heavy poster board or thin cardboard
Pencil compass
Pencil and ruler
Masking tape
Sharp scissors


16 sc’s = 4”;  18 rnds = 4” in sc with size 4.50 mm (G) hook


Top:  With larger crochet hook, using MC, ch 6.  Join with a sl st to form a ring.
Rnd 1:  Ch 1, work 9 sc’s in ring.  Mark last st with pin for end of rnd and move marker up as you work.  Working in sc, work in a spiral, increasing 6 sc’s on every rnd.  Do not work incs directly over those of previous rnds.  Work until you have completed 21 rnds more and there are 135 sc’s in last rnd.  Join with a sl st in st marked with pin.  Piece should measure approximately 10 1/2” across.
Sides:  Next Rnd:  Ch 1, work 1 sc in each sc around, join with a sl st in ch-1.  Using tapestry needle and 1 strand of A, work running sts through last rnd worked to mark top edge of sides.  Rep Next Rnd until piece measures 4 1/2” above marked rnd. 
Lower Edging:  Ch 1, sc in next sc, * ch 6, join with a sl st in 3rd row from bottom 2 sts before last sc;  work 8 sc’s in ch-6 space, skip 1 sc, sc in next sc, rep from * around lower edge, join with a sl st in ch-1.  Fasten off.
Upper Edging:  With larger crochet hook, join MC with a sl st in any sc of marked rnd. 
Rnd 1:  Ch 1, * sc in each of the next 2 sc’s, ch 6, skip 3 sc’s, rep from * around, join with a sl st in ch-1.
Rnd 2: Ch 1, * sc in each of the next 2 sc’s,  work 7 sc’s in next ch-6 space, rep from * around, join with a sl st in ch-1.  Fasten off.  Remove strand of A used to mark rnd.


Top:  With larger crochet hook, using MC, ch 5.  Join with a sl st to form a ring.
Rnd 1:  Ch 1, work 6 sc’s in ring.  Mark last st with pin for end of rnd and move marker up as you work.  Working in sc, work in a spiral, increasing 6 sc’s on every rnd.  Do not work incs directly over those of previous rnd.  Work until you have completed 14 rnds more and there are 90 sc’s in last rnd.  Join with a sl st in st marked with pin.  Piece should measure approximately 6 1/2” across. 
Sides: Work same as Bottom Layer until piece measures 4” above marked rnd.  Fasten off.  Omit lower edging.  Work upper edging same as Bottom Layer.


Top:  With larger crochet hook, using MC, ch 6.  Join with a sl st to form a ring.
Rnd 1:  Ch 1, work 8 sc’s in ring.  Mark last st with pin for end of rnd and move marker up as you work. Working in sc, work in a spiral, increasing 4 sc’s on every rnd.  Do not work incs directly over those of previous rnd.  Work until you have completed 10 rnds more and there are 48 sc’s in last rnd.  Join with a sl st in st marked with pin.   Piece should measure approximately 4 1/2” across. 
Sides:  Work same as Bottom Layer until piece measures 3” above marked rnd.  Fasten off.  Omit lower edging.
Upper Edging:  With larger crochet hook, join MC with a sl st in any sc of marked rnd. 
Rnd 1:  Ch 1, * sc in each of the next 2 sc’s, ch 4, skip 2 sc’s, rep from * around, join with a sl st in ch-1.
Rnd 2:  Ch 1, * sc in each of the next 2 sc’s, work 6 sc’s in next ch-4 space, rep from * around, join with a sl st in ch-1.  Fasten off.

Vines are completely free form.  Our designer made one vine 22” long, one 24” long and one 60” long.  Have fun and play with them.  Flowers are worked in 3 sizes varying colors as desired.
Vines:  With smaller crochet hook, using A, ch for 6”.  Add leaves where desired by simply chaining, then joining with a sl st to the main ch.  When you have completed one section of vine, change to B and work the next section.  There is really no exact pattern.  Change colors wherever you choose and add leaves as you go along.  Leaves can be worked singly or in pairs.  There is no right or wrong.
Large Flower:  With smaller crochet hook, using C, D or E, ch 4.  Join with a sl st to form a ring.
Rnd 1:  Ch 1, work 5 sc’s in ring, join with a sl st in ch-1.
Rnd 2:  Ch 1, work 2 sc’s in each sc around, join with a sl st in ch-1 – 10 sc’s.
Rnd 3:  Rep Rnd 2 – 20 sc’s.  Fasten off.  With tapestry needle and 2 strands of a different color, work a French knot in the center of flower.
Medium Flower:  Work same as Large Flower until Rnd 2 has been completed – 10 sc’s.  Fasten off.  Work a French knot in center.
Small Flower:  Work same as Large Flower until Rnd 1 has been completed – 5 sc’s.  Fasten off.  Work a French knot in center.  Sew flowers to vines – our designer sewed hers wherever she had added a leaf or a pair of leaves.

To make forms for layers, use pencil compass to draw 3 circles on posterboard – one 10 1/2” diameter, one 6 1/2” diameter and one 4 1/2” diameter.  Cut out circles with sharp scissors.  Cut straight strips of posterboard to fit around circles – 4 1/2” wide for the lower layer, 4” wide for the middle layer and 3” wide for the top layer.  Form strips into tubes and tape ends together.  Tape circles to tops of tubes.  Insert forms into appropriate cake layers.  Stack the layers on top of each other.  Drape with vines and flowers as in photo.  All pieces may be glued together with a hot glue gun or left unglued for easy disassembley and storage.

                                     Mom Needs a Beautiful Necklace Too

this necklace is a composition of 10 crocheted medallions attached to a choker.


Approximately 18” long
Center Drop – approximately 5”


1 Ball (50 grs) ribbon yarn, ladder yarn, suede yarn or similar
Crochet hook, size 4.00 mm (F)
One 1/2” button


There are no gauge requirements for this necklace


For your necklace to look like photo, cut yarn and use color sections (grey, bone, beige) that correspond to each motif. 


Double Base Chain:  With crochet hook, ch 2;  insert hook into 2nd ch from hook (the first ch made) and work 1 sc; * insert hook into single vertical thread forming the LH side of the previous sc and work another sc.  Rep from * until ch measures 19”.
Row 1:  Ch 5, dc in 6th ch from hook, * ch 1, skip 1 ch, dc in next ch, rep from * across.  Turn.
Row 2:  Ch 1, work 2 sc in each ch-1 space across.  Fasten off.

MOTIF A (Make 6)

With crochet hook, ch 4, join with a sl st to form a ring.
Rnd 1:  Ch 1, work 9 sc’s in ring, join with a sl st in ch-1.
Rnd 2:  Ch 4, * dc in next sc, ch 1, rep from * around, join with a sl st in 3rd st of beg ch-4.  Fasten off leaving an 8” long end for sewing.

MOTIF B (Make 4)

With crochet hook, ch 10, join with a sl st to form a ring.
Rnd 1:  Ch 1, work 22 sc’s in ring, join with a sl st in ch-1.
Rnd 2:  Ch 5, skip 1 sc, dc in next sc, * ch 2, skip 1 sc, dc in next sc, rep from * around, join with a sl st in 3rd st of beg ch-5.
Rnd 3:  Ch 1, work 4 sc’s in each ch-2 space around, join with a sl st in ch-1.  Fasten off leaving an 8” long end for sewing.


Sew motifs tog as in diagram, then sew to necklace at points indicated and as in photo.  Sew button to one end of necklace.

                               FINGERLESS GLOVES
easy peasey! 

Since hands come in all sizes, there's no need to strictly adhere to these instructions - they are provided as a guideline.

 Hook - J; Yarn - 4 ply worsted weight

Instructions are for Small/Medium/Large -- the Large is going to be approximately 6" square before sewing seam.

Note -- while it is suggested you crochet in back loops only, crochet in both loops on the LAST stitch of each row (NOT first and last - just last).
  • Chain 18/20/22 - turn HDC in 3rd chain from hook and in each chain across, Ch 2 and turn
  • Working in back loops only throughout (this gives the cover some 'stretch' to fit over the hand), HDC across each row, Ch 2 and turn -- continue for 11/12/13 rows.
At this point, turn your work, fold the long ends together and slip stitch a small seam catching the two loops of each stitch from the row just finished as well as the free loop from the beginning chain. Slip stitch 8/9/10 chains of both sides together -- slip stitch in only the two loops of the previous row for 4/4/5 chains (to allow opening for the thumb) and then slip stitch both sides once more for remaining stitches. Finish off and weave in ends. If you prefer the side seam can be sewn rather than slip stitched -- be sure to leave an opening for the thumb.

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